Monday, July 7, 2008

Can you Find me?

I wrote this a LONG time ago but just now getting it up :)

There is no place you cannot find me?
I hide way ashamed and scared - voices keep me calm your voice is just a murrmer in the crowd - The tears try to come but I - I am stronger than any tear, My mind wiser than any feeling -- Smirking at my dominance over myself boasting at my eloquent deceit - I see myself pure and righteous who are you to judge me.Look at the things I have done
I saw their eyes......., pain filled them and yet I looked away
I felt there heart and yet smiled at their pain
I took their life and gave it over to darkness
I can show you darkness only your dreams have told you of
My ego beyond your touch
I felt you lurking there
softly, you say do Not conform - bang down the beast of conformity
I saw you in my shadows and still I ran
Fearing if you caught me what things I would have to feel
fearing your rejection - shoot You are not even real
o fear how silly to fear something inside of you
Oh but........then on my journey
I am told that I am me
that all that is inside of me is real
that what part of me comes out is of my choosing - I am my own destiny - I control who I am -Help me self there are so many of you
Love hate -
Yes I like you
Pain ahhh I think I like you even better - what pleasures you endure - What sights you bring to me fear - Interesting you are - can I have a bit more adrenaline please
but the things that make me laugh, am I alone in these things - blood and suffering can be quite amuzing my friend come close and let me show you - yes a bit closer please
OH But Sex ahhh yes a pleasure beyond compare
here I am revealed - Dirty and soft - Pain and fear - let my submission dominate you hummmmm yes here my flesh is at home and your will is nothing
Love - Only tears for what is love - you talk of this thing an imaginary thing that leaves you always wanting always needing ,hungry and with void -
Love I can not touch you - I cannot feel you ,
Now sex - Fear- laughter - Hate - I can feel, see, hear and touch
but Love, to be in Love what joy that feeling is and ashamed and scared i hide away with in myself lost in the resesses of my mind hear the voices subside
Peace - Harmony - balance I become more than one and achieve Dharma So you say there is No place he cannot find me Everything you are is good
whispers in the dark
hiding in the light
everything you feel is good So do it
it is fear only fear and let no one Judge you
They told me who needs a God especially a God of Love When I have the world to play
Safe with in the reality of the here and now
go figure Feeling safe with out a future,

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