Friday, August 24, 2007

Thermal energy...................................

I saw this skit (Thanks Sandy and the Yahweh Ballet) by PUSH and I keep being reminded of it today. How sometimes we are like puppets on a string. But whose puppet do you want to be.

Usually we start off going the right way, step by step. Then life's waves pound into you and we lose our direction. Disorientated, Discombobulated, But being sensitive to the voice of truth that is key. As we (I) run one way there is always a tug on the back of our collars a tapping. Tap Tap Tap "Hey you" ….. my feet still running forward but as I glance back I again hear " hey you, where are you going?" who me I look around my eyes drawn up, my feet still running but I am going now where. "Yeah you" the voice rumbles and my soul trembles. I am going toward uhhhh that way and I am able there to control my hand lifting it up but not sure where to point, so I point forward. Eyebrows raised, ears pushed back, face contorted into an unsure smile. And still I am running no where, HIS force firmly on my collar twisting me around – Lifting me up. Ouch that kinda hurts there, you call that loving arms. Again Tap Tap Tap on my shoulder "NO NO no" He whispers. "My child I have something better come here" and chuckles a bit silly child "Let me lead I got you" I smile and nod my head like yeah I know and then It hits me " Oh you are saying I am going the wrong way, following flesh again" I can see deep in my spirit a faint smile and Him nodding his head, up and down up and down. "But be not troubled" He breaths. "It is ok………No worries………No condemnation" !! My flesh…hmmm…His Glory; His way (shrugs) My choice. His Way, His Glory, My Choice.

His ways are higher than my ways. His way does not seem rational. It cannot be right! I must be hearing wrong.


"You can't understand" myself says. "NO" my spirit calls out you are His and a Saint to the Lord – He has given each of His own- the vision and wisdom according to their faith. You can understand if you seek it. So I should wait for confirmation as taught through His word. But Father there is yet another problem I have no patience my emotion and rational my flesh is so strong, there here in this moment and time I am not strong enough to overcome the thoughts of doubt! I cannot it is so overwhelming this waiting, the unknown. My security has always been my knowledge of knowing. Why have you then blinded me my King?

Yes Child ask always question. Learn to love the breath I breathed into the nostrils of Adam. Breaking you down, out of your comfort.

Drained, scared yet not afraid I release let go relax and like a marionette inert and genteelly manipulated by the Kinetic Strings of Gods Heart

Ayesha Pursglove SCG
I love the way the Lord Loves me and Draws me into Him. To find blessings in strife. That he can search my heart and draw out my praise no matter how my world may crumble. May we never let go of Him. He is the only one who can undo you – He is the only one who can.

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